Author: Kenyan
Toxic Productivity Can Ruin Your Work, How To Avoid It
Hello and welcome back to another weekly blog post! This week we will be diving into toxic productivity and its effects on your life. In this blog I plan to cover what toxic productivity is, signs you are being affected by it, and finally how to avoid toxic productivity. Let’s get right into it shall… Read more
Easy Beginner’s Budget Guide, take the “Scary” out of Budgeting
Welcome back to the blog! This week we will discuss the importance of a budget. We will also discuss how you can simplify it and make it less scary to create and follow. Budgeting gets a bad name because it is often associated with being broke. In reality keeping a budget keeps you from becoming… Read more
Minimalism – First Steps and How I Am Tackling A New Lifestyle
Welcome back to my blog where we discuss fitness, productivity, finances, and finally, minimalism. Today is all about consuming less and embracing minimalism as a lifestyle for a beginner. I myself am new to minimalism and it has already changed my life in one month. I hope you gain some useful insights from my writing… Read more
From Fat, to Kinda Fit. My “~1 Year” Fitness Results
Welcome back to the blog. This week I am going over my fitness journey so far. In my introductory post I mentioned I was incredibly unhappy with my body. I was overweight, not healthy, and because I was not impressed with how I looked, I became depressed. Today however I can at least say I… Read more
Hello World, an Introduction
Hello, my name is Kenyan Martin and this is my blog. Read more